8 blog post types

When I write a blog post I just write.  I end up summarizing a topic.  This summary can include lists, or how to do something or just be summary.  I wanted to see how many different types of blog post types are out there.  This lead me to various blogs and blog posts and many of them were lists.  And a list is one type of blog post type!  So what are some of the other more common blog post types?

1. Lists or a listicle. 

I love the word listicle and it’s a real word!

A listicle is a short form of writing that uses a list as it’s thematic structure but has enough copy in it to be published as an article. [1]

Lists are great because you can scroll through and look at the headings for each point on the list and only concentrate on the one points that of interest to you.  If you’re pressed for time, you read the details on the point that interests you most and skim there through the headings for the others points.  It’s very digestible content.

1a. Check lists or cheat sheets.

This is a special type of list.

1b. Recipes

A recipe blog is full of check lists.  Each recipe is like a check list with a list of instructions or instructional videos or How to guides.

2. How to guides.

These are great for when you need to know how to do something.  An article describing the steps on how to do something such as how to make something, a recipe. Videos are a great way to present instructions on how to use something  or do something.  E.g. how to use a piece of software or how to make a recipe.

3. Infographics.

This was a big one a few years ago and continues to be a popular blog post type.  It’s suitable for people who are visual learners.  Making a good infographic isn’t easy though.  I think that’s another topic for a blog post!

4. Interviews. 

This is a good one because you don’t really have to think about to write, the questions and answers make up the content.  Now, if you video the interview you can then post the video of the interview and also use the audio as part of a podcast.  The transcription of the audio is now the basis of your blog post.

5. Guest blogging. 

If you have a guest write a blog for you, then you don’t have to do the writing yourself!  It also connects you to the audience of the author; it’s gives a different perspective on a topic; you’re increasing your network by working with someone else; it gives someone else, the guest blogger, exposure; adds credibility; increases the inbound links to the guest blogger and possibly your site (when the guest blogger links back to your site)

6. News Article

about something current in your industry.  This is a good old fashioned article about the latest news and happenings in your particular industry.  People like to be informed and if you can be the goto place for the latest information in your industry, people will come to your site to read your take on current events.

7. Personal stories.

This is a little like an interview but with yourself.  This can be a reflection on some aspect of your life history that relates to the topic of your blog.  Maybe your blog is about you and how some aspect of your life is evolving.  In this case, it’s easy to write a personal story blog post.  Even if your blog isn’t about your life, maybe there is an anecdote from your life that relates to the topic of your blog.  Don’t just post for the sake of posting.  Think about what the reader will gain from the post and always have a call to action, CTA, in each post.

8. Case study. 

Maybe you have done some research on a particular person, group of people, or vertical on a particular topic. This information would be great for an article.  It would be a demonstration of a particular point you may be trying to make.  Seeing is believing, as they say.  A case study is in a way showing people what you want to say.


  1. Listicle, Wikipedia, URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listicle
  2. 9 different blog post types and how to use them, Jun 2016, Carly Ries, Smart Bug, URL: https://www.smartbugmedia.com/blog/9-different-blog-post-types-and-how-to-use-them
Lani Haque
Lani Haque

I enjoy learning and sharing that knowledge. Sharing has been in many forms over the years, as a teaching assistant, university lecturer, Pilates instructor, math tutor and just sharing with friends and family. Throughout, summarizing what I have learnt in words has always been there and continues to through blog posts, articles, video and the ever growing forms of content out there!

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