Video Content

My first attempt with video content was during COVID while running and working with  I created over 100 videos of worked math examples.   This videos were created by writing on an online whiteboard, Miro, and recording my screen with Zoom.   

Sizzle Reels

My first exposure and experience to video editing too place when I did a digital marketing apprenticeship for Reach Your Peak through the Acadium program.  During my 3 months with Reach Your Peak one of the types of content I learned about was video.  I created sizzle reels.  This involved taking an hour long video interview and editing it down to 1-2 minutes of highlights that would that be posted on other social media channels.  E.g. facebook, Instagram

Digital Marketing Tutorials

As I started learning more about digital marketing and colleague and fellow Acadium Plus student and I started a YouTube Channel sharing what we learned about digital marketing through short tutorial videos.  On the channel we also featured other students and alumni of the program teaching something related to digital marketing.

YouTube Shorts

Currently I am working on creating YouTube shorts and testing out ways to gain visibility for YouTube videos and shorts.