3 pieces of information for small business to know

There are 3 pieces of information for small business to know about business and 2 optional ones.

Information for small business to know

  • Website CMS admin login
  • GSC login
  • GA4 login
  • GBP login (Optional, if you have a local business.)
  • Google Ads login (Optional, if you are running Google Ads.)

You’re probably thinking someone within your business knows this information or has it recorded somewhere.  Your website manager, operations person, admin etc.   It’s been delegated to someone else who you know and trust.  That’s great.  My suggestion is to have all these important “logins” in a common folder and/or document shared amongst all the relevant people within your company including the owner, founder, CEO etc.

Why is this information important?

It’s the history and “life” of the digital part of your business.  Without this information it’s like driving a car blind.  The data can be used to help you navigate what you do with your website and online presence of your business, next. 

What are these?

Website CMS admin login

Your website CMS admin login is what gives you access to the backend of your website so you can make changes.  Even if you don’t know how to make these changes yourself or don’t have time, knowing the login is like having the “keys” to your house.  You’re not going to let the builder of your house keep the keys to your house?  You’ll want keys so you can get in and out or at least have access so you can let others in.

GSC Login

Google Search Console or GSC is the data for the traffic to your website.  It may take a while for this data to accumulate, but as it does, you can use it to make changes, additions, etc to your website so that you can optimize your website for search engines over time.  In otherwise, it’s good information to help you optimize your site for organic traffic.

GA login

Google Analytics, or GA, is more data about your online presence over time.  It included other channels of traffic besides organic; demographic information about your website visitors; actions made on your website by your visitors and more.  All information to help you navigate the next steps of your online presence.

GBP login

Google Business Profile or GBP is something every “local” business should sign up for.  Why should have a GBP? Because it’s free and it’s one more way to add to your online presence.  There are analytics associated with GBP as well which can be used to optimize not only this online profile but also can be used to navigate what your do with website as well.

Google Ads

If you are running Google Ads, it’s in your best interest to know the login so you can get in there or at the very least, hand it over to someone else who may be managing your paid Google Ads.   It’s a direct way to monitor your ad spend, ad campaigns, ads.

Lani Haque
Lani Haque

I enjoy learning and sharing that knowledge. Sharing has been in many forms over the years, as a teaching assistant, university lecturer, Pilates instructor, math tutor and just sharing with friends and family. Throughout, summarizing what I have learnt in words has always been there and continues to through blog posts, articles, video and the ever growing forms of content out there!

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